Thanks to a generous donation from the Ione Booster Club and other community partners, school supplies for the 2022-2023 school year will be provided, except what is listed below
Updated supply list for 2022-2023
Kindergarten Backpack Reusable water bottle | First Grade Backpack Reusable water bottle | Second Grade Backpack Reusable water bottle |
Third Grade Backpack Reusable water bottle | Fourth Grade Backpack Reusable water bottle | Fifth Grade Backpack Reusable water bottle |
Sixth Grade Backpack Reusable water bottle | Middle School Reusable water bottle | High School PE Shoes/Clothes Reusable water bottle |
Spanish/Bilingual ELL Charged Chromebook (school assigned) | MS/HS Graphic Design Charged Chromebook (school assigned) Mouse for your Chromebook | MS/HS Shop Coveralls- optional Closed toed leather shoes/boots (does not have to be new) Hair ties Long pants non-synthetic long sleeve shirts (does not have to be new) |
Construction Management Long pants Closed toed shoes Hair ties (long hair) Charged Chromebook (school assigned) | Geometry, Calculus, Algebra, Chemistry, Physics TI30XII Scientific Calculator** depending on math class | Agricultural Science Charged Chromebook (school assigned) Reusable Water bottle |
Physical Conditioning Athletic shirt and shorts/sweatpants Compression shorts Training shoes Water bottle | MS/HS Language Arts Reusable Water bottle ***Please bring your school issued Chromebook. | 7-10 Science |
**Donations gladly accepted for any school supplies, Clorox wipes, Kleenex, and zip lock bags(any size) **Please label water bottles