*Report cards will be ready to be picked up in the office June 21st. Office hours will be 8am - 3pm Monday through Thursday for the month of June. * Office will be closed the month of July. *Have a great summer and we will see you in the fall with your first day being August 29th. !!
over 2 years ago, Darla Vandever
Ione Community School Graduation will be broadcast on the NFHS network this evening. Here is the link : https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/ione-high-school-ione-or/evt881bc4ed20 You will have to sign up to log in, and NFHS has traditionally charged a small fee to view their content. We are grateful that NFHS is able to broadcast this event for us.
over 2 years ago, Kevin Dinning
International Club Trip to Europe in 2024! Parents and students, Check out the link below to get information about the International Club trip to Europe in the Spring of 2024. The trip is open to Ione students currently in grades 7-10 (those are grades 9-12 in the 2023-24 school year). This is a wonderful educational experience that students will remember for the rest of their lives! www.eftours.com/2507726kn If you have any questions, please call (school-541-422-7131) or email (school-ryan.rudolf@ionesd.org) me.
over 2 years ago, Tracey Johnson
Senior Families: Here is a run down of our busy schedule this week. Please, contact the office if you have any questions! https://5il.co/1bbhq
over 2 years ago, Kevin Dinning
Registration is open for the AWS THINK BIG SPACE SUMMER EXPERIENCE for incoming 4th-6th graders in Morrow County! Activities will run June 20th-23rd and 27th-30th from 10am-2pm each day. Each day is designated for particular schools as specified in the registration. Busing and lunch will be provided and it is completely FREE! Registration is limited to 20 students per day, so get registered today by clicking on the link! https://forms.gle/XSqPxfbdrQs5eG496
over 2 years ago, Tracey Johnson
Student of the month and Kindergarten graduation will be June 9th @ 8:15am in the elementary gym! * June 10th is students last day for the school year! This day will be early release . School will be dismissed at 12:30pm
over 2 years ago, Darla Vandever
Spring sports award assembly for middle school and high school will be Thursday May 26 @ 9:00 am in the elementary gym!
over 2 years ago, Darla Vandever
June 1st * Seniors Last Day * HS Awards- 5:30 PM *Baccalaureate- 7PM @ ICC June 3rd * No School * Graduation 7PM
over 2 years ago, Darla Vandever
Reminder: Middle School Dance for 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders tonight at the Ione Community School Cafeteria from 8-10 pm.
over 2 years ago, Kevin Dinning
Middle School Dance
over 2 years ago, Tracey Johnson
Middle School Dance
Community meeting to update bond information, Wednesday, May 11 @7pm
over 2 years ago, Tracey Johnson
Virtual Learning Academy Important Dates: May 16th- 5th Quarter Summer Session Registration Opens May 26th- End Date for Seniors (this will allow for grades to be to districts before graduation) June 1st- Last Day of School for VLA students June 5th & 6th-Grades dispersed to Districts
over 2 years ago, Tracey Johnson
12th Grade Families: The East Oregonian has requested Senior Photos from us on Monday, May 2nd by noon. If you have a photo you would like us to use other than our school portraits, please send it to cathy.mccabe@ionesd.org Thank you for helping us celebrate your senior!
over 2 years ago, Kevin Dinning
Ione school is on a 3 hour delay Tuesday April 12th. School starts at 11 AM
over 2 years ago, Darla Vandever
The field trip planned for our 7th and 8th graders tomorrow April 12 has been canceled due to the weather!
over 2 years ago, Darla Vandever
7th & 8th Career Exploration Event in Heppner, Tuesday, 4/12, 8:40 - 11:30 AM. Please, complete this form for your student(s). https://forms.gle/ErWSMv2D5JXUiFuq6
over 2 years ago, Kevin Dinning
Don't forget parent teacher conferences today and tomorrow. Students are release at 12:30. Please stop by our curriculum tables in the elementary and MS/HS buildings to look at our new English Language Arts( k-12) and Health (k-6)curriculum under review to adopt next year. There will be feedback forms for you to fill out.
over 2 years ago, Tracey Johnson
Just a reminder that there will be early release tomorrow April 6th and Thursday April 7th at 12:30 pm due to conferences. Conferences will run from 1:40 pm until 7:00pm both days!
over 2 years ago, Darla Vandever
Class of 2022 Families: Here is some important information. English: https://5il.co/17vf5 Spanish: https://5il.co/17vf6
almost 3 years ago, Kevin Dinning
Ione High School will host a Financial Aid Parent Night April 7th from 4-7pm in the School Library. Please drop in to obtain information or receive assistance in navigating how to finance your student's College or Trade School attendance.
almost 3 years ago, Tracey Johnson